- “Thank you so much for organizing this event. It was such a positive and rewarding experience for me and my co-workers! I’m very much looking forward to the next DIG Canada event”
- “Such an informative day.”
- “Thank you so much for all putting on DIG CANADA. I truly found the event very informative and interesting. I am looking forward to the next Dig event!”
- “I attended your event yesterday and loved every minute of it! Thanks for all of your hard work. My colleague and I look forward to more!”
- “The presentations were incredibly valuable and helped me understand more about design, especially within government.
- “Yesterday was FANTASTIC!”
- “Thank you for letting me step outside of my comfort zone and allowing me to grow as a person. This was a great experience that was incredibly well received”
- “Very impressed by yesterday’s DIG meeting. Let’s do it again”